Photo of flower with title, Polyvagal Workshop

Polyvagal-lnformed Approach to Health and Wellbeing Workshops

Polyvagal-Informed Approach to Health and Wellbeing Workshops

These workshops are offered currently in seven-week live sessions over Zoom. Online course content coming soon. 

In these workshops, I offer the same information that I share with my psychotherapy clients.  

The classes describe mental and physical health from the view of Dr. Stephen Porges’s Polyvagal Theory, as I was taught it during my studies with Deb Dana.

In our time together, I teach the theory in an accessible manner and help you explore how to personally apply this incredible neuroscience in your own life.  

It is not therapeutic in a direct sense but offers psychoeducation to help you establish a lifestyle that supports physical and mental health and to inform your therapeutic journey beyond the course.  

We will spend time in each class experiencing a variety of somatic practices and written exercises. You are welcome to participate to whatever degree is comfortable for you.  

I support your learning with imagery while we are together and provide resources to supplement your learning between classes and after the course is through. Don’t worry, there is no homework! 

Class by class, you will come to understand trauma, post-traumatic growth, regulation, mindfulness, self-compassion, communication, and self-care through a Polyvagal lens. 

The next workshop begins on January 16, 2024. Sessions are from 7-8 pm EST. The cost is CAD 260.  

Please email to register. 

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