Flexibility and Dancing with new Variables


Sand. Grass. Carpet. Mat. Snow. Changing the surface upon which we practice Hatha Yoga provides our brains with new learning experiences.  Take this Dancer’s Pose for example; for me it is familiar and effortless when done in the studio. Taking it off the mat and onto sand, I have to approach it in a whole new way to experience the same sense of ease.  To find balance, I deserve to be aware of the variables presented in the new moment, and respond sensitively and with refinement.  This is one way I like to think about flexibility.  Can I respond to the uniqueness of a new situation, person, conversation or idea with presence and acceptance? Or, do I rigidly try to hold onto one way of being or doing or speaking or thinking as though it is the only way?  #Flexibility #WishpathYoga #Variables  #Sand #BeachYoga #Presence #AlwaysLearning #BeLessStubborn #DontBeAfraidToFall #Natarajasana #WhatsInFrontOfMe #Proprioception #Mirror #BeFluidAtCentre #CutOffMyHand




PRATYAHARA: The Yoga of Putting Your Externally Focused Mind on Airplane Mode